Zigzagoon and Team Omar
by Ed ~ March 11th, 2010.According to Bulbapedia, “As Zigzagoon shows an interest in everything it happens to see, it always zigs and zags, even leaving distinguishable zigzag footprints.” We at Team Omar are also interested in many different things, so today, we will zig and zag leaving a footprint.
For a website, though, the footprint is a bit different. The trail left for you to follow us is at TeamOmar dot INFO. That’s our footprint. If you want to find the real Team Omar, though, you will now find us at TeamOmar dot COM. Don’t worry, though. Until the footprints are washed away, you will still find us the old way. Okay, let’s drop the Zigzagoon bit.
What I’m trying to tell you is that we used to be at a different web URL. I thought that the site deserved a real dot com address, so I switched from .info to .com. The old URLs should still work, but not forever. If you have ever linked to Team Omar on another website, please change your links to www.teamomar.com!
If you’ve told your friends to check the site out, please let them know of the URL change. As I said, the old links won’t work forever. At some point, they’ll stop redirecting to .com.
If you haven’t posted the Team Omar URL ( www.teamomar.com ) anywhere or told anyone about the site, maybe this is a good time to do it. More people will lead to much more interesting and enriching discussions.
Thanks trainers!
Category: Website | Tags: Zigzagoon