Stupid Deck Idea: Lost Junior (Mime Jr., Lost World)

by Ed ~ February 8th, 2011.

Mime Jr - CL 47Alright, so maybe this deck idea isn’t utterly stupid. In fact, I think there is a lot going for it. It does, however, still fall under what I laid out for our “Stupid Deck Idea” article guidelines. I built it on paper (actually on the computer). I obsessed over it for a while. Ultimately, I decided that I won’t be building a physical version of the deck anytime real soon, so instead I’m posting it here for all of you to ponder.

I think it’s the type of deck that can just win any matchup. Unfortunately, it’s also the type of deck that can lose any matchup. It’s got a luck component to it that can end up in either player’s favor. So, take a look at the article/decklists. Maybe you want to build the deck and test it out. Optimizing the lists might just make it competitive. At any rate, I think it would be a fun (and annoying to the opponent) league deck. At least comment and let me know what you think about the idea (or decks like this).

The basic idea here is to exploit the new Mime Jr. from Clash of Legends. He has two features that we want to make use of. First, his FREE attack puts the top card of your opponent’s deck into the lost zone and puts Mime Jr. to sleep. Normally, this would just be disruptive to the opponent, but combined with the new Lost World stadium, this can win games. Second, his PokeBody prevents all damage to Mime Jr. if he’s asleep. Obviously, this can save him from being KO’d.

Lost World Clash of LegendsYou attack, Lost Zone something of theirs, Mime Jr falls asleep, and he can’t be hurt while sleeping. Unfortunately, this isn’t as great as it might sound. Let’s get the negative out of the way, so we can focus on the positive. Mime Jr. is a 30HP weakling. He can get taken out by the lightest of hitters. Luckily he has no weakness, so he may withstand a first turn Uxie or whatever. After that, though, if the opponent can attack, they can probably do enough damage to KO Mimey. Be prepared to lose many mini Mimes over the course of the game.

To mitigate his weakling status, Jr. will attempt to use his Pokebody. You attack, he sleeps, his Body takes effect. Well, that is unless he wakes up. Don’t forget that you have to flip after every turn to see if he awakes. So, you attack, he sleeps, you flip. If he wakes up, his Body is useless. If he stays asleep, the opponent can still get KOs on your bench or by bringing up another Pokemon from your bench. To top this all off, even if his Body stops the opponent from attacking, you still have to flip again to see if he stays asleep into your own next turn. If you flip tails twice in a row, Mimey will sleep through breakfast and be useless. For this circumstance, you need ways to wake him up.

The goal of the deck is to Lost Zone (LZ) 6 of the opponent’s Pokemon as quick as possible, and then win via Lost World. If you aren’t LZing a Chatot GPokemon each turn, there’s a fair chance you’re losing the race. Now, there are 2 ways to win a race. You can go faster, or you can trip your opponent. Idealy, do both.

Luckily, LZing your opponent’s stuff can really trip them up, especially if you can select which of their things gets LZ’d. This is where cards like Chatot G and Slowking come in. At this point, you might be thinking that this deck is starting to look a lot like Pikkdog’s Absol/Palkia Lost World deck, and you woudn’t be entirely wrong. They have very similar goals. This one can do it without energy, though.

I’m going to show you two builds that I came up with. Either could be fairly extensively modified, and I would recommend toying with anything between the two lists. Swapping out some of the Chatot Gs for Slowking can give you the ability to Second Sight yourself into better draws. If you run any Psy Energy, it can even help trip up the opponent with paralysis, but then you’re slowing yourself down.

Let’s look at the more focused list first.

16 Pokemon 21 Trainers 19 Supporters/Stadiums 4 Energy
4 Mime Jr. – CL
2 Chatot G
1 Crobat G
1 Giratina Let Loose
1 Palkia G
1 Palkia G Lv. X
1 Azelf
1 Uxie
1 Combee
1 Smeargle
1 Mesprit
1 Unown Q
4 Poke Turn
3 Warp Point
4 Dual Ball
1 Luxury Ball
2 Pkmn Comm.
2 Pokemon Rescue
1 VS Seeker
4 Judge
4 Seeker
3 Pokemon Collector
2 Cynthia’s Feelings
2 Twins
4 Lost World
4 Warp

This deck will try to attack with Mime Jr. as soon as possible. It will use Dual Ball and Pokemon Collector to first retrieve Jr himself and then Pokemon such as Chatot G, Giratina, Mesprit, Uxie, Combee, and Azelf to exploit their CIP (Come Into Play) Poke Powers. It will Seeker, SSU, and PokeTurn to reuse these CIP Powers as often as necessary to gain the edge in the race. Judge and Giratina may be useful when you think the opponent has a good hand or no Pokemon near the top of their deck. You will quickly get behind on prizes, so cards like Twins and Cynthia’s Feelings will help you maintain your strategy of LZing their important Pokemon.

Warp Energy, SSU, and Warp Point are included to help you bench Junior when he is sleeping through your turn. They also double as ways to retreat Palkia G when you level him up or when Giratina (or anyone else) gets Bright Looked.

Basically, you attack with Jr., Use Chatot G to put a Pokemon on top of their deck. If you can’t, then chances are they have something else important that you can LZ. You will lose Pokemon, so use Rescue and Combee to retrieve them. Reuse Chatot G whenever you need to reorder their topdecks (maybe each turn). Otherwise, use Judge and Giratina to disrupt and to draw cards.

Put Palkia G on your bench so that they can’t afford to fill theirs. This is another form of disruption. When you can level up Palkia G, then you can either use it to LZ their Pokemon or to clear space on your own bench for more CIP powers. Mesprit is another form of disruption that can be reused here. Crobat G is here just to give a chance at a quick KO. As I’m writing this, I’m thinking it may not belong in this first list. It may only belong in this next one.

17 Pokemon 12 Trainers 19 Supporters/Stadiums 12 Energy
4 Mime Jr. – CL
2 Chatot G
1 Crobat G
2 Giratina Let Loose
1 Giratina Lv. X
2 Uxie
1 Uxie Lv. X
1 Combee
1 Smeargle
1 Mesprit
1 Unown Q
4 Poke Turn
3 Warp Point
1 Luxury Ball
4 Seeker
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Cyrus’s Conspiracy
2 Judge
1 Palmer’s Contribution
4 Lost World
4 Warp
4 Psy

Giratina LvX - PL 124

The idea is the same here, but now you can actually attack for damage. Giratina Lv. X can disrupt their attacks with his Invisible Tentacles Body and help LZ multiple Pokemon in a single Darkness Lost attack.

Uxie Lv. X can attack here, too, but he’s mainly there for extra draw power. As you can see, this build is less trainer heavy, so it may do better against trainer lock. Crobat G and Chatot G can attack in a pinch, but again, if you’re attacking for damage without LZing anyone, you’re slowing down your own race.

Dual Ball and Pokemon Communication are out. In their place is another Collector and a Luxury Ball. Unfortunately Lux Ball can only get us basics in this deck, so you might want to think of other options. Again, there is probably some room between the two decklists that may prove to be the best.

Give it a look/try and let me know what you think. I’d be curious to hear if you have ideas that may fit well here. I’ve been going for a lot of synergy in these builds so that most cards have a dual purpose. Maybe there’s something that will focus on the goal a bit better. Cards like Mesprit, Smeargle, and Giratina (when not attacking) are doing little to speed you along. They’re meant to trip up the opponent. It’s possible that a bunch of Uxies may help win the race faster. I don’t know. Play with it and let me know what you find.

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