PokeClass Episode 28 – Top 16 UK Nationals 2011 Report!

by PokemanDan ~ June 6th, 2011.

[youtube width=”640″ height=”390″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpYzX-htjW4[/youtube]

This week it’s all about UK Nationals and how I got on during the tournament. Overall, there was a surprising shift in the metagame where Vilegar clearly outweighed SP in the amount of play with a few other decks sneaking their way in. To whoever I met on the day, thanks a lot for making the day so enjoyable and I hope to see you all around the UK next season! Speaking of next season, PokeClass will be all about HGSS-On as of next week meaning more deck analysis, options for decks and there will be a return of my Deck Surgery Mini Episodes! Make sure you subscribe and check back next week for all the new HGSS stuff, exciting!

Thanks for watching!

P.S: Any comments about lists or anything else then please comment below :)

Category: National Championships, PokeClass, Tourney Report | Tags: