OneHitKO Store – Pokemon Cards For Sale

by Ed ~ March 13th, 2012.

Hey guys, it’s Ed here to talk to you about something new going on at Maybe you’ve noticed the new ads around the site, but maybe you’ve been conditioned to ignore all the advertisements. I really can’t blame you for ignoring the ads. I mean, I do appreciate when you guys have clicked on the ads in the past, but let’s be honest. They ads are rarely related to anything you care about and they can get annoying.

Lately, Pikkdogs has been busy providing you guys with plenty of entertaining Pokemon TCG content. As a side note, we really ought to thank him more for that.

While he’s been writing articles, I’ve been working on something new, The Store. I just got it working, and while I’m pretty proud that it’s up and running, I know that it still definitely needs work. As you can see from the look of it, it’s a low budget operation.

We are currently only selling Next Destinies cards, and the shop looks a bit weak. I know. I mean, take a look around here. The site works, and we are pleased to have so many loyal readers. We’re not kidding anyone, though. Aesthetics is not the focus. I’m working on the issues, though.

I want this new idea to work out, because I think it will be a good thing for our readers. Ultimately, I want us to be able to provide any cards you guys might need, but right now we have to start somewhere. I also want to make it look more professional, but I just think that it’s better for us to get something up and running ASAP than to get it perfect before launching.

What does this mean to you? Well, we’re hoping that OneHitKO readers will support the site by patronizing Whenever you need some cards, all we ask is that you check out the OneHitKO Store and see if we have the cards you’re looking for.

Please consider taking a moment right now to browse our Pokemon Card Shop. Leave us some feedback about what you think. I know the selection isn’t impressive yet, but we need to start somewhere. Also, keep in mind that I will be editing the store quite a bit in the near future. The look and feel of it will likely change.

If you experience any technical difficulties, be sure to let us know. If you don’t like something you see (layout, pricing, etc.), let us know. If you make a purchase, leave a comment here and let us know.

Thanks guys! I really think this will be a better way bring you both the information you need and the cards you need to act on that information. The process will require some growing and learning, but I’m excited about this new way for us to serve the Pokemon TCG community.

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