Archive for the 'National Championships' Category

UK Nationals 2012 Report and List – PokeClass Episode 77

Monday, July 9th, 2012

Hey everybody! Saturday the 30th June brought us to UK Nationals, the same weekend as US Nationals and I was excited for the biggest tournament of the year in the UK. Within this episode, I start off by showing you the list I used for the tournament and follow up with how the day went for me.

[youtube width=”640″ height=”360″][/youtube]

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Pikkdogs Day 2 Nationals Report

Sunday, July 1st, 2012

A big hello to all you OHKOers out there.  This is Pikkdogs here with a review of the second day of Nationals.  I’m sorry that this was so late, but I was ill the 2nd day and I didn’t feel up to writing another report.

Day 2 Report

I had a tough nights sleep the night before, so I was very tired going into this day.  I started the day with another plate full of waffles, which is a good thing.

Round 6 vs Darkrai/Tornadus/Mewtwo

My opponent goes first again and flips over a Mewtwo EX.  Yay, I get to play another one of my bad match-ups.  He doesn’t get an energy drop, so I think I might have a chance.  I use an N on my turn, but my hand afterwards is very bad.  This makes me lose an energy drop myself, I also don’t have another supporter or things like Eviolite.  On his next turn he gets a DCE on Mewtwo and attacks with “X-Ball”.  I am able to take away the damage on my next turn, and I use Pokemon Catcher to stall and bring up Darkrai EX.  This goes on for a while where I am …

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Pikkdogs Day 1 U.S. Nationals Report

Friday, June 29th, 2012

A big hello to all you OHKOers out there.  This is Pikkdogs with a U.S. Nationals report. I will try to paint the picture of the whole event, instead of just giving you a basic report.  On a personal level I did not do a lot of testing for Nationals, so I was not expecting to do well.   I just wanted to go along for the ride and take pictures and stuff to pass on to you guys.  So without further adieu, let us take a look at my report.

An Overview of Nats.

The Convention Center

The Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis was again the site of U.S. Nationals.  If you were at Nats last year, you pretty much know what the decor is.  All of the decorations that we saw last year were back this year.  Maybe a couple of the banners were different, but for the most part the convention center was laid out and decorated the same.  If you don’t know how it was, I will give you a little description.  Most of the events of Nationals happened in  a large ball room type thing.  Small rooms were also rented out across the hall from …

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Preparing for Nationals 2012 – PokeClass Episode 76

Thursday, June 28th, 2012

Hey everybody at OneHitKO, apologies for this one being a tad late, but should be perfect for those of you already in Indianapolis, testing franticly for Friday’s action. For those of you starting Nationals on Saturday, this episode should be perfect for ironing out any problems in your decks and will help you to test against the field of decks that are already taking over National Championships all over the world!

[youtube width=”640″ height=”360″][/youtube]

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The Rise of Itemlock at U.S. Nationals?

Wednesday, June 27th, 2012

A big hello to all you OHKOers out there.  You may call me Pikkdogs, or Miss

the design for the 2012 onehitko Nationals shirt

Jackson if you’re nasty.  Today I am here with an article for you.  This article will be about two decks that could be very impactful at U.S. Nationals.  I’m not exactly sure how this article will go, but we’ll just have to see. 

Before we start the article, I got a couple things to go through.  First, this will be my last article before Nationals.  I will be attending Nationals, so if you are going, make sure you stop the fat guy with the onehitko shirt and say hi to him.  Ed just informed me that I will be selling Onehitko shirts for 5 bucks (which is the cost of the shirt, again Pikkdogs doesn’t make any money), and I will be handing out business cards.  Which is ridiculous because if we are a “business”. then Oscar Meyer Hot Dogs are made out of “Pork”, Pamela Anderson’s boobs are “natural,” and Ryan Seacrest has a “girl friend”.  But anyway I guess I have some cards to hand out, for some reason. 

 If you are not going, I will try to keep you guys informed about what is going on.  To keep updated you can follow me on Twitter and check the site each night for my daily report.  Last year I did have some problems with getting Twitter to work inside the convention center.  But, I do have a better phone now and I will try to tweet more, so follow me on Twitter, my username is “pikkdogs”.   Me and my buddy James might try to get some video going, but there is a lot going so don’t hold your breath if it doesn’t get posted right away.
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Top Ten Decks for Nationals

Saturday, June 23rd, 2012

A big hello to all you OHKOers out there.  It may be hard to believe, but we are just days away from U.S. Nationals 2012.  This is the big one folks.  No, it may not be the most important tournament of the year, but it is sure the biggest one.  So as you guys are packing your swimming suit, underwear, and extra pounds of bacon (or is that just me?) make sure to take a quick second to look at my article at the top 10 decks to watch out for at Nats.  Yes I am just a fat guy who never wins anything, but maybe I’ll surprise even myself and tells you something that might help you at Nats.  But first, let us welcome my extra-dimensional sidekick Pedro.  Hey Pedro!

Hey Pikkdogs. 

                For your news article today Pedro, since it is the anniversary of the death of one of my heros, will you please talk about him.

Okay, no problem.  Today is the anniversary of the death of one of Pikkdog’s heroes.  Liberace was a very gifted pianist-

-No, Not Liberace.

Well, I thought

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EelZone: The Thunderrated Nats Deck

Monday, June 18th, 2012

I think I’ve lost my spot in Tier One.

Hey, it’s me, coolestman22 again. I’m trying to get a couple deck analysis articles in before Nats, so those of you who are going can see more options than just Darkrai/Tornadus and Zekeels.

As you guessed from the title, the deck I’m going to be reviewing is EelZone, a deck that I feel is extremely underrated.

EelZone’s history is that it was the BDIF during Cities. It had the most wins of any deck, and had good matchups against everything not Donphan.

EelZone was hyped to be good against EX’s. If you Lost Burned 4 energy you drew 2 prizes, so if you did that three times, you would win only using  Magnezone instead of having to attack with other Pokemon.

The problem is that Magnezone is a Stage Two, and it’s hard to set up. Mewtwo
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Double Mini Article: Traveling with Friends and U.S. Nationals Tips

Friday, June 15th, 2012

A big hello to all you OHKOers out there.  This is Pikkdogs here with a two part article for you.  The first part of the article will be about traveling for Pokemon, and the second part will have some tips for U.S. Nationals.  I know it’s a weird combination, but I am a weird person, so it all works out.  Before we get going, let’s throw it over to my sidekick Pedro for some news.  How you doing Pedro?

 Oh doing well.

What do you got us today?

Well today is the anniversary of the resignation of the office of Secretary of State in 1915 by William Jennings Bryant.  He resigned because he thought that President Woodrow Wilson was leading the nation into the war that we would come to know as World War I.  Do you like the William Jennings Bryant Pikkdogs?

Oh yeah, love the William Jennigns Bryant.  He isn’t my favorite politician, but he is up there.  He was cool because he fought for democratic principles and he was against war.  He seemed like he really cared about people.  In fact his nickname was the Great Commoner.

That’s outrageous, a politician who cares about people? 

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2012 Unofficial Pokemon Nationals After Party Contest!!!! Free Tickets to a Concert with Good Luck Varisty, PK Fire, and Rival Summers

Friday, April 27th, 2012

A big hello to all you OHKOers out there. 

Nationals last year was great, but it just was missing some rock and roll.  That will not be the case this year.

I am here to confirm to you that there will be a Pokemon Nationals After Party this year.  On Friday June 29th, the first official day of Nats, there will be a concert after the Swiss rounds are over.  It will be held just a couple miles away from the convention center at the local VFW.  Here is the exact address: 1850 South East Street, Indianapolis, IN 46225.  It is just a little jaunt from the convention center, and the concert will start soon after Swiss Rounds end (officially scheduled to start somewhere around 7:30 local time).

The concert will be headlined by some of the craziest and most attractive indy rock bands from the midwest.  Here are the bands that will play:

  • Good Luck Varsity.  Here is their link, here is a link to my favorite GLV song.
  • PK Fire.  Here is their link, and here is a link to an episode of the Noozles.  Sorry PK Fire, but I couldn’t find a good video out
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A Look at Two National Championships

Monday, July 18th, 2011

Hey all of you at OHKO! Today, I bring you two of my episodes covering everything about the past two weeks in both Canada and the US.

Canadian Nationals Recap:

[youtube width=”640″ height=”390″][/youtube]

This episode covers all of the very interesting results we received from Canada two weekends ago. We have a very nice range of decks making the Top 16 and I go over some of the most interesting ones.

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