Deck Analysis: Hyrdreigon and Worlds Wrap-Up.

Sunday, August 19th, 2012

A big hello to all you OHKOers out there.  This is Pikkdogs here with a deck analysis for you.   A lot of people will be banking on the new Hyrdreigon deck to do well in the

Igor is bringing the Golden Pikachu Cup back home to Bella……I mean Portugal.

next format.  Hydreigon is a new deck, but it actually comes into the format with some momentum.  Klingklang BW does a similar thing that Hydreigon DRX does and it won the Format. Darkai, who is in this deck, has a ton of momentum coming from a Worlds win.  So this deck has a lot of hype and a lot of expectations to live up to.  Before we talk about the deck more, let me go through some news.

This past weekend was the Worlds championship.  While I don’t usually provide news or anything like that, most of us do know that Worlds was held last weekend.  In the masters end, two Speed Darkrai decks made it to the finals.   The finals was a match-up of American Harrison Levin and four time, four time, four time, four time Portuguese National Champion Igor Costa.  If you think Igor looks familar, he seems to be the vampire from Twilight.  The Top Cut consisted of the top 16 players from the Swiss rounds.  A lot of the top 16 players were very familiar.  Sami Sekkoum, the perennial UK champ made it to the quarter finals.  Yuta Kamatsuda from Japan and The Top Cut’s Michael Pramawat also made it to the Quarters.  In the semi-finals was a friend of and one of the U.S.’s greatest players, Jay Hornung.  Jay is the greatest thing to come out of the state of Iowa since corn and John Wayne.

The finals was a thrilling three game final between two Darkrai decks.  Igor did end up winning, but the game was very close.  The weekend was not very good for American players.  The U.S. sent one player to the finals in each three divisions, and they all lost.  We even had three of the top 4 Master’s players, but we still couldn’t stop Edward, I mean Igor.  The bad news for the U.S. continued when it was announced that for the first time ever, Worlds will not be held in the U.S.  Worlds 2013 will be held in Vancouver, Canada.  But, Vancouver is basically a border town, so unless you don’t have a passport this news shouldn’t bother you.

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