Pedro’s Corner: A Review of the Lost Zone

Friday, October 14th, 2011

Hey all you earthlings, this is Pedro here.  Pikkdogs receieved a one article suspension for his cussing last week.  And because the show must go on, Ed asked me to fill in for him.  While I don’t know much about this game, I should be able to  do better than a fat kid that doesn’t know his grammar rules. 

Before we get into the article, we should take care of these italics.  Even though my normal langauge translates into italics, it would be hard to read an article full of italics, so I bought an italics converter.  If I just pop it into my inter-dimensionary porthole like so, that should do it.  Okay lets get to the article. 

Obviously I am an extra-dimensionary being, so I don’t know that much about Pokemon, but one thing that interests me is the Lost Zone.  Since I have to travel through an inter-dimensionary porthole, a portal to the Lost Zone feels very familiar.  So I will start talking about Lost Zone cards and Lost Zone decks. 

The Most Versatile Lost Zone Card- Lost Remover

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Pikkdogs Pikks Three: Battle Road Edition: Mew Prime, Lost Remover, and Tornadus

Thursday, September 22nd, 2011

A big hello to all you OHKOers out there.  This is Pikkdogs here with his sidekick Pedro, and we are bringing you a Pikk Three article.

Hey Pedro, I couldn’t help but notice that you were absent in my last article.

Yes I was.

The word on the street was that Ed had suspended you for one article, is that true?

Absolutely not.  I was actually traveling in a different dimension that day.

Really, what dimension were you in?

Well, one pretty much similar to this one, except that you were a good Pokemon player.

Okay, let’s just go on to the article.  If you haven’t seen a Pikk Three article before-

count yourself lucky-

As I was saying, if you haven’t seena  Pikk Three article, it is basially a big card of the day article.  It reviews three cards; one card that is popular, one that I feel is under-played. and one that is from a new or un-released set.

Card #1 The Staple-Mew Prime

Description– Mew is a 60 HP Psychic Pokemon with a weakness to Psychic and a free retreat cost.  His Poke Body “Lost Link” lets you use the attacks from any Pokemon in the …

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Techs That You Will See at Fall Battle Roads 2011

Wednesday, September 14th, 2011

A big hello to all you OHKOers out there.  This is Pikkdogs and his sidekick Pedro here with a strategy article of sorts.

Before we get into the article I would like to thank my buddy Mark for writing the last article on the website, the one about Lilligant.  I hope this begins a long friendship with Mark and  Oh, before we get off the subject, I got a story for you, Pedro, you’ll like this one.

I doubt it, but go ahead.

Well when Mark and I were talking about the article, he hinted that we might not want to publish the article.  As if we had some kind of quality control or something.

Yeah that is funny.  You gotta have quality before you have quality control.

Haha, Like we have an Editor or something.  We just drive around down-town Detroit and ask the homeless to write articles for us in exchange for the promise of chicken.  But there’s never any chicken.  We publish whatever they give us, and hope it makes sense. 

Of course we do.  And nope, there’s never any chicken.  But, if you wanna check out Mark’s article, click here.  And thanks again

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Mew Lock Deck Update and Testing Results

Thursday, September 8th, 2011

A big hello to all you OHKOers out there.  This is Pikkdogs here with his sidekick Pedro, here to give you an update on my Mew Prime deck.

The first post-catcher decklist I gave you was a Mew Prime deck.  It relied on Vileplume to lock trainers, Pidgeot to stall, and Jumpluff to attack (through Mew Prime of course).  Pedro, tell the nice people how to view the previous article.

If you were lucky enough to miss the last article about Mew Prime, and you for soe reason want to change your luck, you can view it here.

Thank You Pedro.  Since the last article my mind has changed about Mew Prime a couple times.  When I first tested it I thought it was one of the best decks in the post catcher era.  Than I did more testing, built other decks, and played matches against other people.  The final straw with my Mew deck was when Ed’s deck took apart my Mew deck.

If Ed beats you that bad, it indeed is a bad sign.

I agree Pedro.  So after that match I decided to try to find a different deck.  I tried a couple decks but nothing …

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Mew/Muk/Jumpluff/Vileplume: The Mistakes I Made With My Nationals List

Tuesday, August 9th, 2011

At this year’s nationals, I had my best nationals finish.  I made Top 64, but it was bittersweet.  While I had done fairly well, I still made the same mistakes in deck building and deck choice which had led to my poor results in previous years. I played a build of a deck which was largely untested and that I was fairly unfamiliar with. While the list I played was by no means bad, it did suffer from being teched improperly.  In addition, there were logical flaws with the trainer engine and how it synched with the rest of the deck.

This article has two main points.  First, it will provide some insight into the Mew/Muk Jumpluff/Vileplume archetype.  Second, it will showcase some of my thoughts about the deckbuiling process highlighting what I did wrong with this deck.  Right now. I’m going to share the list I played and explain my reasoning behind my choices. Also, let me state that this list is not just my own. Emmanuel Divens is also a co-creator of this build and a lot of the ideas behind this list can be attributed to him.

25 Pokemon 23 Trainers/Supporters 12 Energy
4 Mew
3-3 Yanmega
3-1-2 Vileplume
2 Bouffalant
2 Muk
2 Jumpluff
1 Spinarak
1 Tyrouge
1 Cleffa
4 Judge
4 Collector
4 Copyct
3 Twins
4 Communication
3 Rare Candy
2 Grass
4 Rainbow

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Post-Pokemon Catcher impressions and a Mew Prime/Yanmega Decklist

Monday, July 25th, 2011

A big hello to all you OHKOers out there, this is Pikkdogs here with another article for you guys.  For the top 40 players in North America and the players in Southern California all eyes are on World Championships.  All these people are thinking about is either countering the format or making a deck that will be consistent enough to grind into the main event.  But, for the rest of us, we have our eyes on Battle Roads and the new season.  And the new season means dealing with Pokemon Catcher.

Pokemon Catcher is a trainer card that lets you pick a Pokemon on your opponent’s bench and switch it with the active.  The last time this card was released, as a card named Gust of Wind, it was the best card in the format.  It ushered in an era of dominance for a very fast deck with all basic Pokemon.  The question was will Pokemon Catcher have the same format changing effect as Gust of Wind did?  To answer these questions I decided to test multiple decks in the PC (Post Catcher) format.  The testing yielded some surprising results.  To start this article off I will begin by …

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Lost World Deck HGSS-On- Mew Prime, Mime Jr. and Gengar Prime.

Wednesday, May 18th, 2011

As you can see I got really creative with the name of this deck. 

Hello all you OHKOers out there.  This is Pikkdogs here with a deck idea for the HGSS-on format. I spent most of last weekend working on some HGSS-on decks.  I tried a lot of good decks, one deck that was unexpectedly good was my lost world deck.

Before we talk about the deck, we have to mention that Battle Roads start this weekend!  This is the time where you can go and prove that the Md-BW format is pretty terrible.  Although most people are not excited about the format, it could be just the time for you to go and steal a Victory Medal.  So go and have fun with your Pokemon friends, and hopefully you can pull down a medal.

How the Deck Works

Anyway, lets go back to the deck.  Like all Lost World decks, this decks only purpose is to get 6 of your opponent’s Pokemon in the Lost Zone.  Unlike the popular Lostgar deck, this deck has no way to grab 6 prizes if needed, but thats not really something you need to do.

The main way you will get Pokemon in …

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