Team Omar Takes 2nd At 1st BR

by Ed ~ September 18th, 2010.

The title is slightly misleading, but it’s true. Today’s Team Omar crew consisted of Ava, my 7-year-old daughter, and myself. Ava and I both went 3-0 to start the day. Then Ava got paired against the other top junior player and lost. That put both of them into top cuts (top-2), so they played again. She lost again, but that gave her 2nd overall on the day winning her 4 packs. She had a good time, and I’m very proud of her. She played Donkphan, and it’s built mainly around cards she already knows from previous decks. She really only played it once before the tourney, but she knew how it worked.

For me, today marked TOSSED’s inaugural voyage into the seas of tournament play. TOSSED used to stand for Team Omar Super Secret Excellent Deck. Yeah, I know, it’s lame, but it’s not meant to be explained worded out like that. It’s kinda a backronym anyway, and now that it’s been played, it’s not so secret. It’s just TOSSED, so the player can say something like, “You just got TOSSED!” At some point, I’ll unveil its new meaning when I’m ready to give out more info about the deck. For now, though, I’m still playing it, so I’m not quite ready to publicize the list.

So, on to my mini tourney report.

Round 1: Justin K.
Justin had some horrible luck in this match. First of all, he starts with a double-mulligan. He follows that up by only ever getting 2 energy (both of which I got a KO on). To be honest, there isn’t much more to say here.

Round 2: Mark J.
Oddly, Mark is playing a deck that isn’t completely dissimilar to TOSSED. He’s made some very similar deck choices to mine, but his twists are different. This match went to the 30+3 time limit, and I was up by 1 prize. That’s mainly because after he got an important KO, I was able to Premier Ball my X back in (to stop his next OHKO and maintain my lead.

Round 3: Conner M.
Conner was playing LuxChomp, but he did not have a strong start. That put his back to the fence from the get-go, and it never got better. He got some KOs, but even with those, I was able to run through his Pokemon one by one.

Round 4: Michael Slutsky
Michael’s deck is really a bad matchup for me. He’s pretty confident before the match. We get set up, and he starts acting like the tourney is over for him. We flip, and he has a lone Bronzong G. I go way out of my way to overextend for the donk, but the problem is that my hand is full of supporters, and I can hardly Uxie for anything. I finally attack with Uxie, but it’s not near enough for the KO. The luck is definitely not in my favor, and within a couple turns, Michael really has it locked up. I think I put up a good fight to make him work for his win, but it’s really no contest.

Round 5: Ross T.
I don’t know Ross from before, but he seems like a cool kid. I get the impression that he’s nervous, but he still plays well. On my first trainer turn, I get a chance at a double-KO, so I go for it. Unfortunately, instead of getting 2 KOs in 1 turn, I fall flat on my Set Up, and end up getting 0 KOs that turn. I was 10 damage away on each. This game probably looks like a good fight from the grandstands, but really it should have been a lot more in my favor. My top decks were horrible, and I never got anything I needed. I was forced to choose suboptimal plays almost every turn. I felt like I was one lucky draw away from turning it around almost the entire game. We went into our +3 turns, but Ross snagged his last prize during them.

Update: I heard that Ross went on to win the whole thing. You can see a couple pics of the top-4 below.


In top-4, I think Ross went on to play the one girl that was running trainer lock. I think that the other matchup was Lucas vs. Jon N. I’m not really sure about either of those, though. I’m pretty sure Michael went 4-1 and missed the cut, which was surprising to me.

So, I’m pretty pleased with TOSSED. I actually have 3 different variations of TOSSED, and I may switch for tomorrow’s BR. I dunno, though. I feel like all of my matches were winable, so that’s a positive thing for evaluating the deck.

I’m very pleased with Ava’s performance. Getting 2nd and 4 packs was a pretty big deal for her. A big thanks goes to Pikkdogs for lending her some Donphans. Without him suggesting it, who knows what she’d be playing.

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