Archive for the '10 Impactful Cards' Category

Pikkdogs’ Top 10 Most Impactful Cards From Dragon’s Exalted

Thursday, August 2nd, 2012

A big hello to all you OHKOers out there.  This is Pikkdogs here with my quarterly article about impactful cards for the next set.  I will give you a countdown of the 10 cards that I think will be the most impactful from Dragon’s Exalted.  I know that my list won’t be perfect, but this could be a decent look at some of the cards that you might see at Battle Roads.

Dragon’s Exalted is a decent set.  It does not have the consistency cards that we all want to replace some of the rotated cards, but it does have some cool Pokemon that will be in tier 1 and 2 decks, as well as rogue decks.  Let us look at those cards.

10. Garchomp

The countdown will lead off with a card that some people think will make up the bulk of a tier 1 or 2 deck, Garchomp.  This Garchomp has two attacks, one that does 60 for 1, and two that does 100 for two and a mill of two.  It also has some decent stats, 140 HP and a 1 retreat cost.  A lot of people are thinking of building a deck with this guy.  The …

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Top 10 Most Impactful Cards of Dark Explorers

Tuesday, May 1st, 2012

A big hello to all you OHKOers out there.  This is Pikkdogs with my quarterly article about the most impactful cards in the upcoming set.  This time we have  a set named “Dark Explorers.”  Though it sounds like a porn movie about African American chicks, it could be a set that impacts Nationals in a big way.  Is it full of cards that are all hype, or will this set set the pace for Nationals?   Let us take a look at some of the cards in this set to find out.  But, before we start we have a couple announcements for you.

The first is that I want you guys to put your own top 10 of Dark Explorers in the comment box.

The second is that we have a contest going on right now.  Look here for the rules and stuff.  Look here for some fun with Noozles.

The third is that Pedro has a news article for us to get us started.  Hows it going Pedro?

Oh doing well Pikkdogs. Today’s news comes from the world of medicine. is reporting that according to a new study, people who suffer from nighttime teeth grinding can be

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Pikkdogs Presents: The Top 10 Most Impactful Cards from Next Destinies

Thursday, February 2nd, 2012

A big hello to all you OHKOers out there.  This is Pikkdogs here with my quarterly review of the next set.  I usually review the set by taking a look at the top 10 cards that will have an impact on the current format, and this set is no different.

This set is a very impactful one.  This set givs us a card that might dominate the format, and a bunch of other cards that are really good.  We even got some trainers, stadium cards, and special energies.  This set will shape what will be played at the top tables at States, though, it may not be to the extent that we currently think.  Before we start the countdown, let us welcome Pedro to the conversation.  How’s Pedro doing today?

Doing well.

Do you got any news for us today?

Well, not too much going on. February 8th is when you can start buying Next Destinies packs from the stores.  February 8th is also a holiday, it is National Kite Flying Day. 

So if you don’t pull a Mewtwo EX, you can go fly a kite.
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