Archive for the ' Budget Challenge' Category

OHKO Budget Challenge: Round Two (Fight!)

Wednesday, October 15th, 2014

Hello, readers of One Hit KO! Today I’m going to decide to go on the budget challenge, as what Ed did. As I’m pretty sure I can’t accept donations, I want to somehow try it out. This time, you comment on what you want ME to run. Those cards can be any ten cards of your choice. Here are a couple rules to make it more interesting:

No EX Pokemon with over 130 HP.

This is probably the most important rule. Since I’d rather go with an actual challenge rather than storming with a
ridiculously overpowered deck, I’ll just go without the EX decks.

I will supply my own basic energies.

Simple. As I don’t want to be running a two energy deck, I’ll just do that.

Each card only counts as one.

ex: If you said you wanted me to play Colress Machine, it only counts as one. If you want me to run 2 or more of a card, that would count for your ten cards. ex: If you wanted me to play 4 Colress Machine, that is 6 cards left.

Now here’s a list of reminders!

-If you want me to run an evolution, remember to supply …

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Budget Zoroark: Cheap Tournament Pokemon Deck Undefeated (For Real This Time)

Monday, June 11th, 2012

Here’s my quick tourney report from Outpost 2000 yesterday. Ava had a birthday party to attend at a waterpark sort of place, so she didn’t join us. I got Petra to play, though. Apart from that, the big news was that another fellow joined us. Some of you may remember the days when this site was named Well, the team’s namesake, Omar, graced us with his presence. I handed him my Quad Terrakion deck (for which he had to scrounge 4 Terrakion).

Petra ran Ava’s Donphan deck. It’s a pretty simplified deck, and I simplified it even further for Petra. Essentially, it runs 4 Virizion as a starter. On turn 1, you attach an energy there and Double Draw. On turn 2, you bring up Donphan and start attacking. Yeah, there’s more to do that that, but not a whole lot more.

I ran the “Budget Zoroark” deck. The list I ran can be found in the Cheapest Pokemon Deck article.

Round 1: Guy From Saint Cloud with Tornadus EX, Regigigas EX, and Beartic (Petra Vs. Paul)
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Budget Zoroark: Cheapest Pokemon Deck At $35

Friday, June 8th, 2012

It says $70. I say $35.

I don’t know where I get these titles. I’m sure you can make a cheaper deck, but this will beat it (unless it’s Fighting type). Also, $35 is just the Troll ‘n’ Toad price divided by 2. I dunno if you can get the cards for that price, but I’m pretty sure you could get close.

I’ve been working on this deck lately, and I think this is the best route to take it. I have now added 4 Rescue Energy. They really help the deck recover, and the deck just has to be doing 120+ damage every turn. If you miss a turn of damage, you’re on track to lose.

To assist with this recovery, I experimented with DCE, but it just doesn’t cut it. The problem is that the deck usually needs a 1st turn Ascension. Ascension requires darkness energy. If you have 4 Rescue and 4 DCE, you’re diluting the dark energy pool too much. Sometimes you can get away without the Ascension, like if you draw into Zoroark right away, but it’s usually key.

After adding the 4 Rescue, I also ended up dropping the Special Dark energy. The deck started life running 4 Special Dark and 4 Plus Power (on top of the Dark Claw). This early build could often do 150+ damage right off the bat. Well, if you can do 120 damage, you can still usually 2shot anything even Eviolited. It is a bit sad that you will now miss the OHKOs on Eviolited 130HP basics, but the deck just has to have a semi-consistent way of getting 2 energy in a turn. I already discussed why I think DCE can’t make the list, so Dark Patch is our alternative. To fuel Dark Patch, you need basic dark, and you have to discard them early to make it work.

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Budget Zoroark: Undefeated

Monday, June 4th, 2012

Yeah, you read that title right.  This deck was undefeated.  You might think that means I won a Victory Cup, but the operative word in the sentence is “WAS.”

So, if you’re following along, I built this deck for my daughter.  Then, I decided it would be a good Budget Challenge deck.  She wasn’t ready to play it, so I slightly tweaked it for myself and decided to take it to Battle Roads.

Here’s the list I ran.  I’ll go over my matches, and then discuss how the deck can be improved.

Continue reading "Budget Zoroark: Undefeated" Budget Challenge: Zoroark Rush Deck

Thursday, May 31st, 2012

Win games for just $31!

Last time we did the Challenge, things didn’t go quite as planned. At the end, I discussed doing some sort of budget challenge the next time around. Well, things again didn’t go as planned and real life took its toll. I didn’t quite get around to working out a real challenge for the rest of you to participate in, but I do have something going on anyway.

Last time I wrote about how I was getting my 5-year-old into the Pokemon tournament scene. Well, I don’t think she’s quite ready, but I have been working on a deck for her. Interestingly enough, I think it’s a great deck for the Budget Challenge. Depending on the incarnation, I think you can purchase the deck at a place like Troll And Toad for anywhere from $30 to $90. If you already have some cards (which most of us do), or if you can trade/buy some cards locally or at cheaper places (like scrounging eBay for deals), I think you can easily cut those figures in half.

Continue reading " Budget Challenge: Zoroark Rush Deck"