Opinion: U.S. Nationals 2012: What Was Done Right, How It Can be Improved, and My Take on the Loss of Top Cut.
Thursday, July 19th, 2012A big hello to all you OHKOers out there, this is Pikkdogs here with an opinion article. We are still in a down time here in the Pokemon world, since I don’t have much to talk about, I thought I would go over some thoughts about Nationals. In a couple weeks we will have a new set and a new format to talk about, but right now we don’t know much about our format and the only people still playing in the older format are, as Team Warp Point likes to say, keeping things “close to the chest.” So let’s have a discussion about how to make Nats better, than I will look at the breaking news about Battle Roads that we receieved yesterday.
Before we get into the discussion, let us invite my extra-dimensional sidekick Pedro in to do a news article for us, maybe he will tell us a funny story to save this sorry article from being the crap we all know it will be. Pedro, what do you have for us today.
Today we have some news about your ancestoral homeland Pikkdogs.
Oooo, some Finnish news, love the Finnish news. What is it today, another bleach …
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