Topping Midwest Regionals with Andy Wieman
Wednesday, April 20th, 2011After a very disappointing run at states (6-1 then losing in Top 8 at MN States, then going 3-3 in NV) I was sure of two things: 1) I would be playing LuxChomp again and 2) I was going to fit Dialga in my list. Dialga was only a 1-1 tech, but it helped with a tremendous number of matchups. Some of the matchups that I want Dialga in against are: Mewperior, Donphan, Uxie/Shuppet donk, Charizard, Machamp/Vileplume and Vilegar. Add all of these plus the fact that I refused to scoop to Mewtwo (as I did in round 6 of MN States to Radu) and Dialga was going to make the cut. I was debating a few other spots in the deck, but never questioned the deck itself. I also had one spot built in because I had determined I wasn’t going to run Weavile G (something I would later regret). The Lostgar threat turned out to be non-existent and I felt Dialga helped the Vilegar matchup more. The other change to the deck since states that I LOVED was the inclusion of Twins. It can tilt the mirror single handedly, and is an all around great card.
The week before the event, I had my list settled except for three slots. I was questioning my Energy Gain/Power Spray/Junk Arm count. I currently had it at 4/2/1. If felt the extra energy gain helped a lot in the mirror, and the Sprays would be less than optimal against Spiritomb and Vileplume decks. I later switched it to 3/3/1 and felt that the more well-rounded approach would be better, but I would later regret this change. I was also debating my Bebe’s/Communication count; I was currently at 2/0. Jay Hornung advocated Communication, but I felt that the chance of prizing the single Bebe’s that I needed to get Dialga G Lvl. X against trainer lock was too much, so I decided to stick with 2/0. My last question was whether I would cut my 3-1 Uxie line down to fit 1 Chatot. I felt that the 3rd Uxie helped so much against the possible wave of Machamp that I needed to leave it in.
I get to the tournament a half hour before registration ends, turn in my final list (I switched the Gain/Spray count that morning) and wait a LONG time before the event gets under way.
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