Second Best or First Loser? Gyarados vs. Luxray

Tuesday, December 7th, 2010

Austino's GyaradosThis past Saturday (12-04-10), I went up to The Source to play in their city championships. 25 masters showed up, giving us 5 rounds of Swiss with a cut to top 4. I brought Gyarados with me, but I left my sick daughter, Ava, at home. Hopefully she can join me this weekend.

Fire ArceusRound 1) Justin K. with Lefeon/Flareon/Arceus
I don’t know why, but I’ve played Justin in just about every tourney we’ve both participated in. Heck, I even got matched against him at regionals. Well, at least he’s used to playing against me. He started with a fire Arceus on his bench. I think I Regimoved it active, and he ended up belting it. I used the 2X water weakness to my advantage and went up 2-0 in prizes. After that, he couldn’t recover.

Machamp PrimeRound 2) Emmanuel D. with Machamp SF/Prime and Kingdra Prime
I’ve played against this deck before. You might think it’s heavily weighted in my favor, but it’s not that bad for him. What is bad is prizing like all his primes and 2 Bebe’s. I am pretty sure he used Seeker to use Azelf’s Time Walk 3 times. In theory, he should be able to set up Machamp Prime and Kingdra Prime to get OHKOs on Gyarados (which is impressive, because Gyarados is resistant). In practice, it didn’t work out for him. He was on the ropes the entire game. I think this was his only loss in Swiss.

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Winning LuxApe Deck Workshop

Thursday, January 21st, 2010

I just got done laying out a plan for our Pokemon Deck Workshop. If you are confused by how this article looks, go back and read that.

Now, let’s get to building me a winning LuxApe deck. Here’s the deal. I recently got myself an Infernape 4 Lv. X and an Uxie Lv. X. Now, I want to use them for fun and profit (where profit may be league stamps, premier rating points, etc.). What deck should I build? I think the obvious choice is Luxray GL with Infernape 4. Let’s start there. What else do I need? Other people run all kinds of crazy stuff that should be considered, but that’s not part of the article, that’s part of the discussion. I’ll wait to add my thoughts to the discussion until after I get at least one comment, and we’ll build the decklist together.

Here are my guidelines for this deck:
1) It needs to include Uxie Lv. X and Infernape E4 Lv. X.
2) I want it to be fast, because that’s how I roll.
3) I want it to abuse some game mechanic(s) that most decks don’t use, plan for, have a hard time …

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Palkia G Infernape 4 Lock

Wednesday, January 20th, 2010

I tested out a Palkia Infernape deck last night, matching up against 4 very different opponents and decks. My idea was that Infernape 4 Lv. X could replace Luxray GL Lv. X as a way to bring up the opponent’s benched Pokemon for setup disruption while the well-known combo of Mesprit and Palkia G Lv. X would lock the opponent’s Poke Powers. Here’s the list. It’s pretty much Omar’s Palkia Power Lock deck with Infernape swapped in.
Mesprit LA

Pokemon: 22
1 Azelf LA
1 Azelf MD
3 Palkia G
1 Palkia G Lv. X
2 Infernape 4
1 Infernape 4 Lv. X
4 Mesprit
3 Uxie
1 Uxie Lv. X
1 Bronzong G
1 unownG
1 Toxicroak G
1 Lucario G
1 Crobat G

Trainers/supporters: 26
4 Cyrus
4 Rosie’s
4 E-Gain
4 P-turn
3 P-Spray
2 NM
2 SP Radar
1 Bebe’s
1 Aarons Collection
1 Luxury Ball

Energy: 12
3 Call
5 Water
1 Warp
1 Psychic
2 Electric

I think power lock style decks will be good against the metagame while it’s in flux due to HGSS hitting the scene. For me, though, I think it’s not my style. I need something a bit harder hitting and quick. …

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Palkia G Lock and Lady Gaga

Wednesday, December 30th, 2009

Well, these are my 2 posts on this. decklist ideas. Go ahead and put in some input on things i could change.

Palkia Lock

Pokemon: 22

Palkia G2 Azelf (1 LA 1 MD)

3 Palkia G
1 Palkia G Lv. X
2 Luxray G
1 Luxray G Lv. X
4 Mesprit
3 Uxie
1 Uxie Lv. X
1 Bronzong G
1 unownG
1 Toxicroak G
1 Lucario G
1 Crobat G

Trainers/supporters: 26
4 Cyrus
4 Rosie’s
4 E-Gain
4 P-turn
3 P-Spray
2 NM
2 SP Radar
1 Bebe’s
1 Aarons Collection
1 Luxury Ball

Energy: 12
3 Call
5 Water
1 Warp
1 Psychic
2 Electric

And now for the Lady Gaga Decklist

Garchomp C Level XPokemon: 19
3 Luxray G
1 Luxray G lv. X
2 Garchomp C
1 Garchomp C Lv. X
2 Bronzong G
1 Dialga G
1 Dialga G Lv. X
2 Uxie
1 Uxie Lv. X
1 Toxicroak G
1 Lucario G
1 Crobat G
1 UnownG
1 Azelf

Trainers/Supporters: 28
4 Cyrus
4 Roseanne’s
4 E-gain
4 P-Turn
4 P-Spray
3 SP-Dar
2 NM
1 Aarons Collection
1 Bebe’s
1 Luxury Ball

Energy: 13
4 Call
4 electric
2 psychic
2 warp
1 Metal

Ive played …

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Next Deck to Run

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2009

Well, now i go back into that mode where i have no clue on what i wanna play that will win, and at the same time, will be fun. Flychamp and Gengar are both out of the picture as of now, since they are both extremely boring :S. The more and more i think, the more and more i want to go SP, but unfortunately, i would need to spend like 100$ on 3 cards. lawl. Uxie lv. X, Luxray g lv. X, and Promocroak (toxicroak G Promo) inorder to do so.

With those cards, options start to fly out of nowhere, i could run Luxray infernape, i could do Blaziken Luxray, i could try palkia lock with of course luxray, and even beedrill with a luxray tech. So many options.

If i dont go SP, i dont know what other deck to play other then Gengar and flychamp. Porygon Z is for next season when i have the double colorless and i can abuse my opponents double colorless and calls and whatever they be using :)


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