Deck Analysis: Reshiphlosion
Sunday, August 21st, 2011A big hello to all you OHKOers out there. This is Pikkdogs here with a deck analysis. The deck we will be spotlighting is Reshiphlosion, a very consistent and hard hitting deck in the current format. Some are wandering if it can stand up to Pokemon Catcher, so lets find out.
I had realized a couple days ago that this website has not had a Reshiphlosion list on it. So I thought I would change that. I will be happy when this article is published because people always come up to me and shout, “Hey,when are you going to write a Reshiphlosion article? and stop staring down my shirt!” Sometimes even girls say this.
Anyway, The deck was popularized at U.S. Nationals. It seemed like everybody was going to play Reshiboar, and then everyone showed up with Reshiphlosion. The deck is really powerful and really consistent because it can manipulate energies very well. Just about every energy that you draw will be used and re-used thanks to Typhlosion Prime. Its that energy manipulation that makes Reshiphlosion really good.
If you do not know the deck I will try my best to explain it. The first goal of the deck …
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